Community engagement

Academic journal articles & books

“An Unexpected Geography of Opportunity in the Wake of the Foreclosure Crisis: Low-Income Renters in Investor-Purchased Foreclosures in Phoenix, Arizona.” Urban Geography. (Forthcoming)

The Currents Beneath the ‘Rising Tide’ of School Choice: An Analysis of Student Enrollment Flows in the Chicago Public Schools.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management.

“The Disruption Costs of Post-9-11 Security Measures and Cities’ Bids for Presidential Nominating Conventions.” Journal of Urban Affairs.

“The Role of Intergovernmental Aid in Defining Fiscal Sustainability at the Sub-national Level.” Urban Studies.

“Social and Task Interdependencies in the Street-level Implementation of Innovation.” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory.

“Local Zoning and Environmental Justice: An Agent-based Analysis.” Urban Affairs Review.

Betancur, John, Karen Mossberger and Yue Zhang.  (2015). "Standing in two worlds: Neighborhood policy, the civic arena, and ward-based politics in Chicago." In Urban Neighborhoods in a New Era: The Politics of Neighborhood Revitalization in the Post-Industrial City, Stone, Clarence and Robert Stoker, et al., eds., 104-140Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

"Beyond Enforcement: Welcomeness, Local Law Enforcement, and Immigrants." Public Administration Review 75.3 (2015): 433-442.

“Local Government Sick-Leave Practices: An Exploratory Study.” Review of Public Personnel Administration. (2015): doi:10.1177/0734371X15605158.

Lucio, Joanna, J. Auer, & E. Johnston. (2013). “Neighborhood diversity: Framework for municipalities.” State and Local Government Review 45(1), 48-56.

Darnall N & Aragón-Correa JA. 2014. “Can ecolabels influence firms’ sustainability strategy and stakeholder behaviors?” Organization & Environment, 27(4), 319-327.

“Public Sector Voluntary Initiatives: The Adoption of the Environmental Management System by Public Waste Water Treatment Facilities in the United States.” Journal of Environmental Planning and Management.

Kim, Y., & Darnall, N. (2015). Business as a collaborative partner: Understanding firms’ sociopolitical support for policy formation. Public Administration Review, n/a-n/a. doi:10.1111/puar.12463 .

“Benchmarking Property Taxes in a Metropolitan Area.” Public Administration Quarterly. (Forthcoming).

Mossberger, Karen, Chen-Yu Kao and Kuang-Ting Tai (2015) "Toward connected, innovative and resilient metropolitan regions," in Information Technology and Metropolitan Resilience, Pagano, Michael, ed., 1-25. Urbana-Champaign: University of Illinois Press.

“The Jobs Are Back, But Where?  Implications for How Best to Pay for Local Government Services.” State and Local Government Review. 46(4): 260-271.

“Implementing Open Innovation in the Public Sector: The Case of Challenge.Gov,” Public Administration Review, 73 (6), 2013, 882-890.

McFadden, Erica and Joanne Lucio. (2015). “Aging in (privatized)places: Affordable housing policy and seniors.” Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 28 (3), 268-287.

“Residential Choice Constraints and Environmental Justice.” Social Science Quarterly.

Darnall N & Milstein M.B. 2015. “Can eco-standards and certification create competitive advantage for a luxury resort?” (with teaching note). Girling R, Gordy H, Lanier P. (eds.). The Good Company: Sustainability in Hospitality, Ecotourism and Wine. New York: Business Expert Press. Reprinted from Case Research Journal, 34(3), 115-133. 

Collaborative Service Delivery: What Every Local Government Manager Should Know.” State and Local Government Review. 45(4): 240-254.

Mossberger, Karen, Yonghong Wu, and Jared Crawford.  2013. “Connecting Citizens and Local Governments? Social Media and Interactivity in Major U.S. Cities.” Government Information Quarterly 30: 351-358.

"Designing, Planning, and Managing Resilient Cities: A Conceptual Framework," Cities, 35 (December), 2013, 89-99.

Lucio, Joanna, L. Hand, & F. Marsiglia. (2014). “Designing hope: Rationales of mixed-income housing policy.” Journal of Urban Affairs, 36: 891–904.

“Dreaming the impossible dream: What low-income families think about their future.” Journal of Poverty.

Lin H & Darnall N. 2015. Strategic alliance formation and structural configuration. Journal of Business Ethics. 127, 549-564.

“Citizen Orientation and Multiple Dimensions of Organizational Performance.” International Journal of Public Administration. (Forthcoming). 

“Modeling the Transition to Public School Choice.” Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation.

“The Intelligent City” in Paul Knox, ed., Atlas of Cities, (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2013).

“Citizen Apps to Solve Complex Urban Problems.” Journal of Urban Technology, 8(2), 2012, 84-105.

Mossberger, Karen, Caroline Tolbert, and William Franko.  2013.  Digital Cities:  The Internet and the Geography of Opportunity.  New York:  Oxford University Press. 

Campbell, Heather, Yushim Kim, & Adam Eckard. (2015). Rethinking Environmental Justice in Sustainable Cities: Insights from Agent-Based Modeling. New York, NY: Routledge.

Oxford Handbook of Urban Politics. Oxford Press. 2012. 

Barnett M, Darnall N & Husted B. 2015. Sustainability in constrained economic times. Long Range Planning, 48(2), 63-68.

Ferrón-Vílchez V & Darnall N. (Forthcoming). “Two are better than one: The link between management systems and business performance.” Business Strategy and the Environment. DOI: 10.1002/bse.1864 

“The Effects of E-government on Trust and Confidence in Government,” Public Administration Review, 66(3): 354-369. Named one of the 75 most influential articles in Public Administration Review.